Civility and Communication

Elevating Civility and Communication in Health Care (CC-30)


This process-driven, highly interactive, three-day course is designed to remediate clinicians who employ a broad range of unproductive or challenging communication behaviors, including anger and harassment. Our confidential and non-judgmental small-group seminar format creates a safe environment for honest disclosure and self-assessment. Participants’ insights drive the composition of their own stratified Personalized Protection Plan©, which they present at the conclusion of the course as their final oral examination to the faculty and class in a peer-review format.  

PBI is committed to providing interactive, individualized, impactful education. To facilitate this, our Civility and Communication course size is limited to 15 participants. 

Participating in more than one live course?
Contact us about our multi-course discount program.

Course Editions


  • Pre-course assignments, 7.5 hours
  • Three-day virtual live course

CC-30 Extended

  • Pre-course assignments, 7.5 hours
  • Three-day virtual live course
  • Post-course, weekly faculty-led group teleconference seminars (MAS-12), one hour for 12 weeks

Reasons for Referral

  • Difficulty in showing sensitivity or empathy
  • Disruptive behavior (Example: belittling, bullying, or harassment, verbal outburst, physical aggression)
  • Difficulty in conveying assertive behavior respectfully and appropriately (Overly aggressive or passive aggressive)
  • Inappropriate humor
  • Ineffective, unproductive, or uncollegial team or clinical communication
  • Lack of awareness about how one comes across to others
  • Poor conflict management (Failure to professionally manage challenging situations or individuals)

    This course is not intended to remediate substance abuse or undiagnosed or untreated mental health conditions. Should these sorts of issues emerge during the course, the faculty will discuss with the participant and the referring entity the need for a formal assessment.

Professions This Course Is Suitable For

This course is multi-disciplinary and appropriate for all licensed clinicians, including but not limited to: physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, veterinarians, chiropractors, physician assistants, mental health providers, physical therapists, acupuncturists, EMT’s, midwives, optometrists, and trainees/students. Additionally, this course can also be adapted for other professionals, such as attorneys. Also suitable for those in a supervisory role wishing to foster and role model civility within their teams.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain how incivility and inappropriate communication can adversely impact clinical care
  • Employ heightened self-awareness and empathy to improve their professional interactions
  • Demonstrate that civility and professional communication practices are instrumental in attaining greater meaning in their work, reducing frustration, and counteracting feelings of burnout
  • Formulate and implement a tiered Personalized Protection Plan© to maintain civility and professional communication in the workplace and to include relapse prevention strategies
  • Detect the early warning signs indicative of potential communication and professionalism breakdowns in themselves and others
  • Create systems to support ongoing and widespread civility and professional communication practices in their workplace


This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership of the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine and Professional Boundaries, Inc. The University of California, Irvine School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The University of California, Irvine School of Medicine designates these live activities each for a maximum of 42 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in activity.

Registration Options

Select Edition

Course Credits

30 CME (7.5 Pre-Course + 22.5 Live)

Course Costs

$3000.00 Doctoral/Advance Practice

$2500.00 Non-Doctoral/Nurse

Interest-Free Financing Available

Date: March 14, 2025 - March 16, 2025

Location: Virtual Live Classroom, Central Time
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Date: April 11, 2025 - April 13, 2025

Location: Virtual Live Classroom, Pacific Time
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Date: June 13, 2025 - June 15, 2025

Location: Virtual Live Classroom, Pacific Time
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Date: July 25, 2025 - July 27, 2025

Location: Virtual Live Classroom, Pacific Time
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Course Credits

42 CME (7.5 Pre-Course + 22.5 Live + 12 Post-Course)

Course Costs

$3600.00 Doctoral/Advance Practice

$3100.00 Non-Doctoral/Nurse

Interest-Free Financing Available

Date: March 14, 2025 - March 16, 2025

Location: Virtual Live Classroom, Central Time
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Date: April 11, 2025 - April 13, 2025

Location: Virtual Live Classroom, Pacific Time
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Date: June 13, 2025 - June 15, 2025

Location: Virtual Live Classroom, Pacific Time
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Date: July 25, 2025 - July 27, 2025

Location: Virtual Live Classroom, Pacific Time
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Am I eligible to take a course in the Virtual Live Classroom?
What is the difference between the standard edition (CC-30) and the Extended Edition (CC-30EX) of the Elevating Civility and Communication in Health Care Course?
How do I know if this course is approved by my regulatory agency or board?
Can I attend this course proactively for CME credit even if I don’t have a disciplinary order?
  • "ALL of the PBI courses that I have taken have allowed me to grow either as a healthcare provider or personally and often both...I am now CONSTANTLY thinking about how to improve, how to avoid mistakes and slips and how to pass this information along. Thank you all at PBI!"
    - Civility and Communication Course Graduate
  • "The quality of this program, the detailed information presented clearly, the amount of time given to each participant to share their stories in an atmosphere of trust, respect and lack of judgment were offered in a way I have not seen previously. The outcome of the above was transformation of mindset over a span of 3 days, a feat that in itself is staggering in terms of achieving measurable results. I am very impressed by the didactic curriculum and by the excellence of the faculty."
    - Civility and Communication Course Graduate
  • "Overall, I was very impressed with this course and content. I really enjoyed the interaction and dynamics of the class discussion with the various medical specialities represented in my group."
    - Civility and Communication Course Graduate
  • "Despite my initial misgivings, I found this time to be extremely worthwhile...faculty was superb!"
    - Civility and Communication Course Graduate
  • "I thought the course was excellent, the materials were very helpful and allowed hands on work and actionable plans and monitoring. I also really felt it beneficial to discuss the cases and personal challenges with colleagues. Hearing their perspectives and group insights on my own challenges was the most helpful aspect. "
    - Civility and Communication Course Graduate
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