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PBI Education in the Field

As renowned experts in the field of remediation, our PBI Education faculty and staff are often invited to speak at conferences, submit research posters, write articles, and participate in workgroups relating to their expertise.


  1. Kaye AD, O’Quin C, Koontz C, et al. The Financial Impact of Professional Discipline on Clinicians: A Case for Preventive Education. Healthcare Administration Leader & Management Journal. 2024;2(2):61-69.
  2. McIntosh T, Caldicott CV, Shaffer DC, et al. What Can State Medical Boards Do to Effectively Address Serious Ethical Violations? The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Winter 2023;5:941-953.
  3. Caldicott CV. Revisiting Moral Courage as an Educational Objective. Academic Medicine. August 2023;98(8):873-875.
  4. Caldicott CV. Why Quantifying Recidivism After Remediation Is So Difficult: The Experience of an Education ProviderJournal of Medical Regulation 2022;108(1):21-28.
  5. Caldicott CV. Characteristics and Outcomes of Individuals Engaging in USMLE Irregular Behavior, 2006–2015 [Letter to the Editor]. Journal of Medical Regulation. 2021; 107(1):4. 
  6. Caldicott CV. A Framework for Remediating Professional Ethical Lapses. Journal of Nursing Regulation. 2019;10(2):11-18.
  7. Schenthal SJ. When to Keep Your License: Older Physicians and Boundary Issues. Practical Pain Management. 2019;19(7):8-9.
  8. Schneider JP, Schenthal SJ. How can we improve opioid prescribing for chronic pain? A survey of prescribers in the trenches. The Pain Practitioner. Spring 2018:20-24.
  9. Caldicott CV. A “Period of Maladjustment”: Addressing the Novel Dilemmas Presented by the Modernization of Health Care. Journal of Medical Regulation. 2017;103(4):24-31.
  10. Holder KV, Schenthal SJ. Watch your step: Professional boundaries. Nursing Management. 2007;38(2):29-30. 


  1. Caldicott CV. “Telehealth in Nursing: Maintaining Professional Boundaries,” Kansas Board of Nursing (KSBN) Virtual Presentation, February 2025.
  2. Caldicott CV, Cleary K. “Prevent Harm to Your Patients and Protect Your License: How to Avoid Boundary Problems in The Practice of Physical Therapy,” The Extra Mile Conference: Making the Journey to a Better Physical Therapy Practice, February 2025.
  3. Caldicott CV. “DEIB / Trauma-Informed Approach Workshop,” Maryland Professional Health Program (MD PHP) Virtual Presentation, December 2024.
  4. Caldicott CV, Paru S, Ashton A. “Applying a Trauma-Informed Approach with Registrants: Rationale, Implementation, and Improved Outcomes,” Council on Licensure, Enforcement, and Regulation (CLEAR) Annual Educational Conference, September 2024.
  5. Caldicott CV. “How Remediation Works: A Peek Inside the Classroom,” Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) 97th Annual Conference, May 2024.
  6. Caldicott CV, Greene C, Paru S. “Applying a Trauma-Informed Approach to Errant Licensees,” Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) Annual Meeting, April 2024.
  7. Caldicott CV. “Three Steps Risk Managers Can Take to Promote a Civil Workplace Culture,” American Society for Health Care Risk Management (ASHRM) Webinar Series, January 2024.
  8. Caldicott CV. “Understanding the Process of Committing Boundary Violations: How Regulators Can Respond,” Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) Annual Education Meeting, October 2023.
  9. Olaogun, A. “The Empowered MSP: Equipping Yourself and Your Team with the Confidence and Skills to Deal with Challenging Clinicians,” National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) Educational Conference, September 2023.
  10. Caldicott CV, Craig L, Tooze S, Breau D. “The Effectiveness of Remedial Interventions: Examining the Evidence,” Council on Licensure, Enforcement, and Regulation (CLEAR) Annual Educational Conference, September 2023.
  11. Greene, C. “The Role of the Chiropractic Expert: How to Pick the Right One,” Federation of Chiropractic License Boards (FCLB) 96th Annual Conference, April 2023.
  12. Caldicott CV. “AADB Webinar: Difficult and Ungovernable Licensees: Improving Regulatory Impact,” American Association of Dental Boards (AADB) Webinar, March 2023.
  13. Caldicott CV. “FSMB Webinar: Difficult and Ungovernable Licensees: Improving Regulatory Impact,” Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) Webinar, January 2023.
  14. Caldicott CV. “Another Tool in the Toolkit: Incorporating Educational Interventions into Performance Improvement Processes,” National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) Webinar Series, November 2022.
  15. East-Olaogun, A. “Lightning Learning – Another Tool in the Toolkit: Incorporating Educational Interventions into Performance Improvement Processes,” National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) Educational Conference, September 2022.
  16. Caldicott CV, Slaughter G, Tooze S, Breau D. “Ungovernable and Difficult Licensees: Improving Regulatory Impact,” Council on Licensure, Enforcement, and Regulation (CLEAR) Annual Educational Conference, September 2022.
  17. Porter, J. “Proactive and Reactive Education: How to Better Educate Your Licensees,” Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) Annual Conference, May 2022.
  18. Kasman D, Caldicott CV. “Communication With Difficult Clinical Staff,” Indiana Association of Medical Staff Services Education Conference, virtual presentation, July 2021.
  19. Caldicott CV. “Early Interventions: Avoiding Board or NPDB Reports,” Indiana Association of Medical Staff Services Education Conference, virtual presentation, July 2021.
  20. Caldicott CV. “A Framework for Remediating Professional Ethical Lapses,” National Council of State Boards of Nursing Discipline Case Management Conference, virtual presentation, May 2021.
  21. Caldicott CV. “Telehealth Competencies and Remedies for Violations,” with Marlene Maheu, PhD, Association of Social Work Boards Conference, virtual presentation, April 2021.
  22. Caldicott CV. “Professional Ethics and Boundary Violations: Impactful Discipline for Effective Change,” National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy 2020 Occupational Therapy State Regulatory Leadership Forum, virtual presentation, October 2020.
  23. Caldicott CV. “Professional Boundaries and Disruptive Clinicians,” St. Joseph’s Hospital 49th Family Medicine Refresher Course, Syracuse, NY, March 2020.
  24. Practical Professionalism: How to Keep your Job and Your License,” University of Utah School of Medicine, Student Professionalism Committee in collaboration with PBI Education, Salt Lake City, UT, February 2020.
  25. Caldicott CV. “Sexual Boundary Violations: Impactful Discipline for Effective Change—A 20-Year Perspective,” Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure retreat, Jackson, MS, August 2019.
  26. Caldicott CV. “Sexual Boundary Violations: Impactful Discipline for Effective Change—A 20-Year Perspective,” Administrators in Medicine annual meeting, Fort Worth, TX, April 2019.
  27. Caldicott CV. “Ethics and Boundary Violations: What Constitutes Impactful Discipline?” Michigan Board of Medicine, Lansing, MI, November 2018.
  28. Caldicott CV. “Lessons from Participants and Regulators,” Federation of State Medical Boards Workgroup on Sexual Boundary Violations inaugural meeting, Euless, TX, August 2018.
  29. Caldicott CV. “Boundary Violations and the Duty to Report: Considerations for Discipline and Remediation,” Federation of State Medical Boards annual meeting panel, “The Duty to Report”, Charlotte, NC, April 2018.


  1. Caldicott CV, Yen Chou Joe Chen. The Financial Impact of Professional Discipline on Clinicians: A Case for Preventive Education. Administrators in Medicine/Federation of State Medical Boards Joint Spotlight Poster Session, FSMB Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN 2024.
  2. Caldicott CV, Cleary K. The “Approved List Method” Reducing Bias and Saving Regulator Resources Administrators in Medicine/Federation of State Medical Boards Joint Spotlight Poster Session, FSMB Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN 2023.
  3. Caldicott CV. Remedial Education: New Opportunities in the 21st Century. Administrators in Medicine/Federation of State Medical Boards Joint Spotlight Poster Session, FSMB Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2022.
  4. Caldicott CV. Immediacy Matters: The Case for Rapidly Deployed Remedial Education. Administrators in Medicine/Federation of State Medical Boards Joint Spotlight Poster Session, virtual presentation, April 2021.
  5. Caldicott CV. Medical Chaperone Training: A Case for Implementation. Administrators in Medicine/Federation of State Medical Boards Joint Spotlight Poster Session, virtual presentation, July 2020.
  6. Caldicott, CV. Reducing Recidivism Potential: Experiences from an Education Provider. Administrators in Medicine/Federation of State Medical Boards Joint Spotlight Poster Session, FSMB Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, TX, 2019.


  1. Caldicott, CV. The What, Why, How, and When of Remedial Educational Interventions, Regulation Matters: a CLEAR Conversation Podcast, January 2024
  2. Caldicott CV. Does Normalization of Turfing Explain Why There’s No Recent Literature on It?, Ethics Talk Podcast: AMA Journal of Ethics. December 1, 2023.
  3. Caldicott, CV. When Professional Virtues Lead to Professional Problems, Healthcare Professionalism: Education, Research & Resources Podcast, October 2022.
  4. Reynolds, Preston, and Catherine V. Caldicott. Common Professional Lapses and How to Avoid Them, Healthcare Professionalism: Education, Research & Resources Podcast, May 2022.
  5. Hlavinka, Elizabeth. State Boards, Regulators Paralyzed on Physician Sex Assaults. Medpage Today, Interview with Catherine V. Caldicott, MD, FACP, February 2019.
  6. Hlavinka, Elizabeth. When Docs Sexually Violate Patients. Medpage Today, Interview with Catherine V. Caldicott, MD, FACP, January 2019.


  1. “Helping State Medical Boards Effectively Protect Patients by Identifying and Promulgating Promising Practices,” Research Project Advisory Board Member and Expert Panel Member. The Bioethics Research Center at Washington University in cooperation with the Health Law Center at Saint Louis University, funded by the Greenwall Foundation, 2020-Present.
  2. Report and Recommendations of the FSMB Workgroup on Physician Sexual Misconduct, Federation of State Medical Boards Workgroup on Physician Sexual Misconduct, May 2020.

