Remedial Education: New Opportunities in the 21st Century

Remedial Education: New Opportunities in the 21st Century

April 2022

Presented at the 2022 Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB)/Administrators In Medicine (AIM) Spotlight Poster Hall

Summary: Public safety concerns during the pandemic caused many professional activities around the globe to be delivered virtually, including remedial education for clinicians. Now that many travel restrictions have been lifted and vaccines are widely available, regulators may grapple with whether to revert back to traditional in-person courses or to continue to approve virtual courses. By presenting two years’ worth of qualitative and quantitative data from clinicians who participated in live-virtual remedial courses during the pandemic, this poster argues that regulators should feel confident that live-virtual education accomplishes all the educational and disciplinary goals that are accomplished in a bricks and mortar venue. Moreover, these data describe several surprising advantages that situate virtual learning as the new educational standard in the 21st century that opens up new opportunities for professional rehabilitation and training.

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PBI 2022 FSMB Poster

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Poster Author and Contact
Catherine V. Caldicott, MD, FACP
Medical Director, PBI Education