How Remediation Works: A Peek Inside the Classroom
FCLB Presentation Spotlight
Chiropractic regulators that wish to make appropriate dispositions that adequately address a licensee’s conduct of concern can turn to intensive educational interventions. Catherine V. Caldicott, PBI Education Medical Director, is presenting at the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) 97th Annual Conference in Phoenix, Arizona on the remedial course experience from the perspective of the referring regulator, the licensee participant, and the course faculty, including:
- How remedial educational interventions differ other courses chiropractors take for continuing professional development
- Reasons why chiropractic licensees would need intensive remedial courses
- The difference between content-oriented and process-oriented remedial education
- The role timing plays in referring a licensee to a remedial course

PBI Education Medical Director